Monday, March 16, 2015

Artist Highlight: Jazz

I reached out to jazz through Twitter & email:

Nathan G, best known on the inter-webs as jazz (with a lowercase j) or hawthorne, is from Northern Virginia. MTC, VA to be exact. His sound gives listeners a unique glance into his environment that he credits as: "the best looking area in NOVA," jazz pays respect to his close friend (@setheronibeats), his sister, and her husband as the support group that helped him get into music. jazz also attributes his "mind, positivity, and the ability to learn a lesson in everything he encounters" as his greatest musical strengths. Where can we find this enigmatic producer/rapper in 5 years?

"I see myself enjoying whatever I'm doing at that point in time. Definitely gonna be ganja and music involved. No labels or anything, but I know everything will be organized and steady before then. At some point I want to direct video. I've been learning tons of stuff about cameras recently."

 Track 5

(Track 5 prod. Setheroni)

 Ocean Drift

(Ocean Drift)

Track 5 and Ocean Drift are both available for streaming through Soundcloud.

Q & A With jazz

When did you first get into music?

I started writing lyrics about 13 months ago. Soon, I kinda learned I could reach an entirely different and more self-aware aspect if I produced it all myself- that started about 7 months ago on FL studio.

What is your greatest weakness as an artist?

Procrastination, hands down.

Besides your family and friends, what or who inspires you musically?

A handful of hip hop artists- with a good amount of alternative/post-alt rock and heavy metal thrown in there too.

What are some of your goals in making music?

Honestly, I don't even know yet. But my definitive short term goals through music are traveling, creating with artists who inspire me, and learning how to make music that changes how people think. I have tons of aspirations and long term planning done, but that will show itself over time. 

What can readers/listeners look forward to from you?

Right at this second, I am mixing an instrumental for a track off of my 1st unreleased project "Bud". [Bud is] about 13-14 tracks long, but at this point I have changed just about every aspect of the original plan for the tape more than once. I have nothing to say about it right now, except that it will be fully produced by local artists, mainly Seth and I. A visual single will be released soon, and after I see how people respond: I will act accordingly.

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