I reached out to Afrocat through Twitter & email:
Afrocat (Soundcloud & Twitter), has recently been hard at work collaborating with other artists. His sonic and creative visions can be attributed to his early start in music:
"I think my greatest weakness would have to be my sense of perfection, sadly. My perfectionist style can cause me to not finish music at all, and then i come back and realize it was really good!"
You can follow Afrocat on Twitter @afrooocat and on Instagram @Afroocat, respectively.
Aquatics EP is available for streaming from Soundcloud. neverland EP is available for streaming from Soundcloud, as well.
Q & A With Afrocat
Musically speaking, who or what inspires you?
I'm inspired by nature, its an amazing thing to witness, specifically space. I love it. Musically im a big fan of Kanye West, Sam Gellaitry, ESTA, Mr. Carmack, and Lido.
How and when did you get into music?
I started making music when i was around ten, but i have always been fascinated with keyboards and drums. I had a drum machine when i was six years old according to my mom.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time with your music?
In 5 years, hopefully I can be at a higher platform, whether its doing shows and performances among other things!
Where are you from- and do you draw insertion from your surroundings?
I'm from California, so some of that is a big inspiration on my west coast, wavy sound. [...] I live in Virginia, [...], which also shapes the framework of my style.